Saturday, November 16, 2013

Download: SafetiPin (Android, iOS)

For a while now, popular app repositories have seen quite a drastic spike up in the number of "safety" apps. Most of them don’t work as well as advertised (check out our review of FightBack here), or are just poorly implemented because of lack of resources (data connectivity, location tracking, unstable OS, etc), here's one more added to the list.
This one however claims to be a bit different — the SafetiPin app suggests that it is more of a neighbourhood watch thing. You can create your ‘Circles of Interest’ and follow any post, just like that in Google+ and you can pin pictures, just like with Pinterest. And to make this a fun social experiment, you can add posts with pictures; and comment on what others put up as well. Check out the download details below:
Publisher: Ashish Basu / SafetiPin
Price: Free
Platforms: iOS, Android
Size: 6.4 MB - 20.3 MB