Monday, December 2, 2013

BlackBerry Offers Free And Discounted Apps To BB10

For those still on BlackBerry (seriously why?) will be delighted to hear that Blackberry is offering Apps for Free or heavily discounted on their store this December month.
As a part of their Winter Sale initiative, the discount and freebies applies to only BB10 OS users, that is handset owners of Q5, Q10, Z10, and Z30 only apply. "Rest of you suckers, burn in Blackberry Obsoleteness Hell… muahaha! Err, we mean please upgrade to a BB10 device", thought the Dark Lords of BlackBerry.
Under the offer, BB10 users will get one free app every day from 1st Dec to 25th Dec. Meaning a popular game such Angry Birds will be available for free for a 24-hour period only, after which it will go at a discount of 0.99 USD (Rs 63 approx).
Is this BlackBerry's way of getting cash in quick? You bet, especially since it was sold to Canadian financiers for a measly price.